Aquaserge - Laisse ça être (Crammed Discs)
Add Date: 02/14
Focus Tracks: 2, 1, 3
FCC: Clean
Formats: College, Modern Rock Specialty, World
Artist Info: “When you hear ‘supergroup featuring members of Tame Impala, Stereolab and Acid Mothers Temple,’ you should kind of know what you’re getting into. The only thing that can come out of that sort of meeting of the minds is going to be groove-heavy, psychedelic and weird. But above all, it’s going to be great.” – Uproxx
Aquaserge has been a subterranean driving force in the international music scene, inspiring and influencing countless musicians & fans. After operating for years like a kind of nebula, a shifting aggregate drawing over 60 musicians in its orbit, while knitting an extended web of connections by collaborating with the likes of Tame Impala, Stereolab, Melody's Echo Chamber, Acid Mothers Temple and Aksak Maboul, the band has now distilled down to a strong 5-piece core, which is wildly creative in the studio, powerful and exciting on the stage.