FERNANDO VICICONTE - ‘Traitors Table (feat. Luther Russell)’ (Fluff and Gravy)
Add Date: 06/25
Focus Tracks: 2, 6, 7
FCC: None
Formats: College, Modern Rock Specialty
“The world was bleeding. Profusely. It looked as though this well-meaning country was about to dodge a hollow-point bullet aimed for our collective soul. Then we didn’t.
With the realization that the darkness was looming over us, we retreated. And, in the case of Fernando Viciconte and his long-time musical cohort Luther Russell, entered Luther’s four-track shack to see what could come from the ashes. Co-written and recorded in the space of a week, Traitors Table is their massive missive, a record aimed at a wary world tired of the division, hate and cynical snipping at the golden circuitry that once made us hope for the future. Luther and Fernando tried to turn their despondence into a daydream, coming up with a feeling of understanding for the right, the left and the left-outside-in-the-rain.
Traitors Table is easily Viciconte’s most personal and provocative record yet, and that’s saying a lot for someone who has been recording provocative music for 25+ years. In “I Don’t Know”, Fernando wails about coming to the U.S. as an immigrant child and how—after growing up identifying as a proud American—he felt the acute, nauseating fear of being sent back to a country he never really knew. “Hey Darlene” tells the story of a small-town couple who feel shut out of the American dream, but like many among us, also feel it’s just within reach. So they vote against their own self-interest for those who say what they so desperately want to hear. “The Company”, a bouncy impassioned plea to the so-called “millennial” generation to not shoot down bold ideas in the name of political-correctness, is in Viciconte’s words: “about the concept that even though we are more connected via technology, we are more isolated and divided than ever.”
Traitors Table tells a multi-faceted tale of an unspeakable shadow that rests laden across our souls and heavy on our hearts. Luther and Fernando began their musical collaboration twenty years ago with a reminiscence of days gone by called Pacoima. They now file this new chapter as a plaintive warning about a wobbly and uncertain future. The album will be released on June 21 on Limited Edition Color Vinyl, Black Vinyl, CD and digitally.